STEAM - Creating a STEAM Platform


STEAM education highlights art as one of its five fields. Art’s inclusion is important since it can help learners to develop their creativity, imagination, communication and performance skills that will assist them throughout their education and throughout their lives. Within its mission to heighten the dimension of art as a tool for enhanced learning, Room for Art has partnered with Citywise Education based in Dublin, Ireland within this Erasmus+ project.

The project aspires to create a STEAM platform that will include a series of online tutorials for children between 9 to 15 years old. The platform will become a valuable tool with STEAM educational materials and teachers’ guide for achieving the desired learning outcomes. This open access platform will become available to any organization or individual interested in STEAM education.


Mobility to Nicosia – Creating a STEAM Platform 

(7 – 8 April 2023)

Room for Art was the organizer of events and the host of youth from Dublin Ireland  within the Erasmus+ project “Creating a STEAM Platform.” These two days were filled with a variety of activities including lectures, workshops, and study visits within the framework of STEAM and project based learning.


All activities provided our guests from our partner organization CityWise Education-Dublin with new knowledge, problem solving and creative skills. Above all, our guests had the opportunity to experience STEAM methodologies and examples in order to understand STEAM's relevance to our lives and our future. All the activities were based on the results of the survey conducted by both partner organizations  which investigated how young people view their problem solving skills and if they enjoy carrying them out, which is a key aspect of the project. The survey also found out what types of activities young people would like to see in the project.


Visit and workshop at the Cyprus Computer History Museum

The team visiting from CityWise Education-Dublin had the opportunity to travel through time to see the marvellous Antikythera Mechanism and to meet great women scientists. From the first woman mathematician Ypatia to Ada Lovelace the first computer programmer, to Katherine Johnson the ‘Human Computer’ who broke the barriers of race and gender and practically took humanity to the moon, to the 4004 processor which signalled the era of personal computers we and our Erasmus+ guests from Dublin marvelled at humanity’s achievements.